Sunday, December 2, 2012
The Beginning of Advent
Today we begin the Advent season. Let us lift up our voices during this joyous time of year with a deeply felt commitment to the future. We do this with great hope despite the violence and uncertainty we see around us. It is a time to celebrate light in the midst of darkness. We have been taught that nations will enter into warfare, and that all inhabitants of the earth will experience and suffer great disasters and calamities. These will challenge us and try our patience and our abilities to cope. These trying times offer us opportunities to test our faith, and to steel our hopes and desires for a better future, a time to stand tall and be brave. Let us hope that swords will be crafted into ploughshares and spears into pruning hooks. May there be a renewed pledge for gentleness, compassion, justice and peace in the world as we enter into this joyous season. Turn hatred into love and our grievances into forgiveness and help us to strengthen our faith. For if we are faithful to the end, darkness will turn to light and there will be salvation for all the nations and peoples of the earth.
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