SallyAnn and I are celebrating our 39th Anniversary today.
The first photo was taken at our wedding reception in Pensacola, Florida 39 year ago this afternoon. We enjoyed a short honeymoon in Florida and New Orleans before I moved my bride to our new home in Tucson, Arizona where I was attending graduate school. We resided there until July 1976 when we moved to our present home in the Maryland suburbs of Washington, DC.
The second photo was taken yesterday at Jefferson Rock, in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia (where that state meets Virginia and Maryland at the confluence of the Shenandoah and Potomac rivers). Thomas Jefferson visited here in October 1783 and wrote in Notes on the State of Virginia (1785) that "this scene is worth a voyage across the Atlantic". I agree. Certainly worth the short drive from our home in suburban Washington, DC. It is the site of the October 1859 attack by John Brown and his band of abolitionists against the town's strategic federal arsenal. A pitch battle between the Union and Confederate forces also occurred here in September 1862. Sally Ann and I have been visiting here regularly over the past 30+ years . . . a fun place to escape the city and the 21st century.
SallyAnn is my sweetie and my best friend forever. Here's to at least 39 more year together!